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The BiQUE Ride - Day Six - Pat One

We all went to bed the night before with visions of RAIN in our heads. The forecast was NOT being kind to us with 90% of heavy rain in the morning and various percentages throughout the day. I feared waking up to gale force winds and pouring buckets. Well, maybe not that bad, but bad. It was dry when we woke. Yeah - cloudy but dry. I’m OK with that. And I had prepped everything the night before for rain. I double bagged my map as the seams on my map bagged need to be water proofed. I had wrapped everything in plastic that I would carry on the bike.

The breakfast room was open earlier than 7:30 so I popped in to have a quick bite and I was on the road 10 minutes earlier than I normally was. Even though the forecast was a bit kinder in the morning, the threat of rain would be with us all day and no one likes to ride in the rain. Although I’m OK to ride in the rain, I just hate having to start the day in the rain.

It was a pretty easy day terrain wise although we did have about 30 meters more climbing than descent. But everyday my average pace seems to increase by 1 KM. I’m not sure why that is happening. I’m just getting stronger?  It’s easy on the flat - it’s big hills that kill me. But thanks to Joseph and his amazingly painful (but obviously) productive spin classes, I’m in much better shape than I thought I was.

Again, I rode by myself which suits me to a T. It was fun to just amble along and stop for a few photos. Just the way things worked, I met up with Bud and Margo not far from one of our turns. I was chatting to them and then deep in my thoughts when I left them that I missed one of the turns. I heard them whistling and calling and I thought - OH - that was the road I should have turned on. The other road would have worked, but I turned and we got to take a beautiful road along the water.

I think we were about half way or more than half way when I got spots of rain. Just a sprinkling. Then I got drizzle. Not enough to have to put the rain gear on, but that drizzle just hits you in the face and so eventually I got rid of the sunglasses as it makes it a tad difficult to see. Then the drizzle would stop. Then it would start and once or twice as I’m nearing the end, the rain seemed to want to come down a little harder. At which point, I shouted - NO. And then it would stop. It was a weird day weather wise - we got dampish, but not wet and I’m OK with that.

The temperature was perfect for riding - not hot by any means, but even with the rain, it wasn’t cold and while I had my rain gear with me, I didn’t stop to put it on.

I’ll finish in part Two.

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