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Quilt Retreat - Day Three

It's official. We're all obsessed.  I'm not kidding - we get up in the morning, and we sew all day.

I get up first and I spend a bit of time cutting rather than firing up the sewing machine. It's great because I wasn't as prepared as I usually am. Then the others get up, we chat, we have breakfast and then we hit the sewing machines. I've been going to bed between 10 and 11 and I'm sewing right up until bedtime!

I've been sewing all day, with a break or two to visit the quilt shop or Fabricland and then back to the machine. It's like an addiction and I'm on a high!!!

I did manage to get my rag quilt completely finished last night. It is very warm and toasty and just needs a trip to the laundry mat to fluff it up!  Yeah!!!   I also got one block sewn for our Oh Canada project.

Oh Canada blocks
I've got one sewn and two more to go.  If we each make three blocks, we have enough for one quilt top.  If you know nothing about this project, check out this link.    There are six blocks to finish off - two for me and four for someone else to make.

Then I started another project. I had cut it out yesterday morning and started to sew. This is as far as I got yesterday.

Quilt center - done!
And I also got the next set of strips sets done.

Eight strips sets done!
I'm using the Northcott Stonehenge Gradations collections.  Can't wait to get the entire quilt together. I've had a chance to cut up those strip sets and they are almost sewn together and then onto more slicing and dicing.

I have a list of things that I would like to complete before we leave tomorrow so there isn't a lot of time for goofing off!!!!  If I could get it all done, I would be very happy, but regardless, I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far.

As usual, the food is awesome, the laughter infectious, the projects varied and well - life just doesn't get any better than this.  I'm an extremely lucky person and I really do have fabulous friends!

But there is no time to chat - no I must get back to the sewing machine!

Have a super day!!!


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